The DB BR V188 or Wehrmachtslokomotiven D311 were heavy double diesel locomotives, which were specially developed for use in front of the heavy railway guns "Dora" or "Gustav". A total of eight vehicle halves were procured from manufacturers such as Krupp or Siemens. Each half had an output of approx. 940 hp and was designed for speeds of up to 75 km / h. The controls of both locomotive halves were electrically connected so that both locomotives could be operated from one driver's cab.
The model consists of approx. 1635 individual parts and has a considerable total length of 70 knobs. Depending on your preference, it can be equipped with one to four Power Functions XL motors. Two XL motors, a battery box and an IR receiver fit into each half. With four XL engines, this double locomotive is one of the most powerful locomotives made from LEGO bricks. If four motors are to be installed and the power is used optimally, it is recommended that both locomotive halves be equipped with a separate IR receiver and a separate power supply. Even motorization with up to four train engines or 9V train engines is possible.
The model was specially developed for the use of "Big Ben Bricks" railway wheels.
DB BR V188 wine red
individual parts 1635 pcs length 70 studs width 10 studs height 15 studs version January 20