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The DB BR V200 was one of the first diesel mainline locomotives for Deutsche Bahn. It was mainly used in front of express trains on all major main routes. Hardly any other locomotive shaped the time of the German economic miracle like this one. With its purple color, the dark roof and the distinctive silver decorative stripes that taper to a point at both ends of the locomotive, it shaped the image of Deutsche Bahn for many years and is still a real eye-catcher today.

The model consists of approx. 1039 individual parts and is approx. 47 knobs long. The striking coloring with the silver decorative stripes, the rounded snouts and the sloping upward sides are almost perfectly reproduced in this model. The finished model can be motorized either with 9V train engines, "SBrick", "Powered UP" or "BuWizz".

The side windows are printed, for a perfect look a template is included with every manual to print out.

Copyright of model by S. Jakobi / Dr. Snotson

DB BR V200

SKU: EU600003
  • individual parts 1039 pcs
    length 47 studs
    width 9 studs
    height 14 studs
    version 19.01