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The DB BR 218 is a four-axle diesel locomotive that is widespread in Germany and can be found in both passenger and freight traffic. Between 1968 and 1979 a total of around 400 series locomotives of this type were built. With a continuous output of around 2000 to 2800 HP, these locomotives reach a maximum speed of 160 km / h.


The finished model consists of around 1666  Individual parts and can be optionally combined with up to two  Powered-Up Railway Engine  motorize.  The middle part of the roof can be easily removed to operate the battery box. Lighting can also be installed in both fronts. The model is available in three different versions, this is the beige-blue one  Execution.


Copyright of Model by Dr Snotson

PDF instructions DB BR 218 beige-blue

SKU: EU600017
  • individual parts 1666 pcs length 56 studs broad 9 studs height 15 studs version 21.01