Set consisting of four PDF instructions for building four different Prussian compartment coaches.
3-axle Prussian compartment car. The finished model consists of approx. 1105 individual parts. The interior is completely built out. To make this wagon suitable for curves despite its length, the middle axle can be moved sideways, the other two axles are pivoted.
4-axle Prussian compartment coach. The finished model consists of approx. 1808 individual parts. The interior is completely finished.
Prussian mail and baggage car. The finished model consists of approx. 1017 individual parts. The fine black mouldings are realised by various SNOT construction techniques.
Prussian service car The finished model consists of approx. 1059 individual parts. The fine black mouldings are realised by various SNOT construction techniques.
All items are also available separately!
Copyright by Pieter Post
Passenger Car Set Prussian Compartment Cars
individual parts 4989 pcs length 169 studs broad 9 studs height 15 students version 22.01